Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Notre Gâteau: Jac, Andrew, Nick

Passé Composé et L'Imparfait

Monday, January 26, 2015

Je suis Charlie

Je suis Charlie

Hey mom and dad, there was a terrorist attack in France. Three Muslim men went to the Charlie Hebdo Magazine publishers and killed all the writers/cartoonists/publishers while also killing some innocent people. Their reason that Charlie Hebdo published pictures showing the likeness of Mohammed (the Muslim prophet whose face must not be drawn by those of the Muslim religion) in their magazine. They drove away and weren't found, and now the entire world is in morning for those killed and those close to them. 
I am personally alarmed to think such a great tragedy would come from such a small seeming  piece of satire, small not meaning to insult Muslim culture but to describe the satirical attack on Muslims. I don't think that making fun of and demeaning the religions of others is a good thing, it's not moral, however, killing someone because of it is worse. Satire is jokes, it's a form of entertainment, not meant to completely flat out physically hurt or even completely demoralize anyone/thing/. Satire is purely to point out possible flaws in people of things, and make them seen, expressing them in a seemingly more friendly jokingly way. 
Despite my opinions on what was wrong or right, I am still sympathetic for those lost, and the ones who lost them. Slaughter is tragic, and I think it was wrongly inflicted to those both personally responsible, and definitely not to those who were innocent.
"Je suis Charlie"